John Mayer's Music The Music section is the most rapidly-developing section of nancies.org. Right now, we only have lyrics and a discography, but rest assured that much more is coming soon! Reviews Hits Daily Double Any Given Thursday also provides the uninitiated with a sense of just how passionate a fan base Mayer has built, from adoring teenagers to discerning boomers who've finally encountered a young artist who lives up to their decades-old memories. The lack, until recently, of media attention and next-big-thing status have actually been a benefit to this aspiring artist, allowing him to fly under the radar and enabling people to discover him in an organic way, thus forming a bond between performer and fan that is extremely rare in this fickle era. Reviewing Mayer's L.A. House of Blues set in April 2002, one writer noted, "Perhaps the most remarkable single aspect of the show was the way the crowd sang along with every word, in tune and in unison, so locked in that it sounded rehearsed. I've never seen an audience more hooked up with an artist.
Rolling Stone |
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