
Tips for Tailgating on Tour

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Sometimes, the weather simply does not cooperate with you, and you're either getting drenched in rain or baked under the sun. There are any number of options here; I'm presuming that you're trying to tailgate for as long as possible, that you don't own a minivan with a huge back door (when open, ideal for last-minute shelter) and that you've got yourself a bit of room.

The least expensive way to go is to buy a tarp with some poles. You can tie up one half to your car if you want, and then use the poles solely for the other side that's not attached. The downside to this -- it's not terribly sturdy, and if there's a good wind coming through, you may be in some trouble.

Collapsible canopies are a better way to go, but keep in mind that they also cost more. However, to those who travel, these canopies often come in zippered bags (which look something like ski bags) and you can check them. That's a big help.

If you're local, sometimes you have the ability to bring large canopies and/or open tents. Knock yourself out if you've got the ability and the space available! Larger spaces are definitely more inviting, and the whole point is to socialize and meet people anyways, right?

One of the perks of "building yourself an HQ" is that other folks can find you. Helium balloons, a flag, or just a strangely colored tent/tarp is enough to make you "spottable" from farther off. Try to get away from doing the same thing that many other folks do, i.e. "I'll have a red balloon tied to my antenna," mainly because other people usually think of doing the exact same thing. Try something a little more off-the-wall to make yourself easier to spot.

A warning, however, concerning shelter -- please, PLEASE be careful when it comes to lightning storms. Make sure whatever you're using is firmly grounded, and if you're going to be tailgating in the rain, take precautions to make sure no one gets injured.


Bring ice for the coolers. Have friends bring ice for your coolers. Make sure you have ice. Lots of ice. Beer needs to be kept cold. Did I mention to bring ice? And lots of it?

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